Working on sessions with complicated routing, multiple mixers and effects that would take hours to re-build? All latest Antelope Audio devices now allow you to save…
Why did you choose Discrete 8 instead of any other interface? I was looking for the best converters and preamps I could find in my price range, and Antelope has a f…
This February we made our proper Chinese expo debut on Prolight + Sound, Guangzhou. To make things even bigger we decided to present our brand new Zen Studio+ inter…
Dr. Giovanni Vindigni, music and audio production of numerous successful international PC & Educational Games, TV, Cinema commercials, documentaries and TV seri…
The Zen Studio+ Giveaway is over. Big ups to all old and new Antelope Audio fans who took part. It’s a great honor to know so many of you are hyped about our …
Antelope Audio поставили себе новую цель – показать себя на российский рынок. В ноябре этого года были предпринятъ первые шаги, а именно поездка в Москву. Там мы ст…
Orion32 HD, the new Antelope Audio kid on the block, was surely a star at NAMM 2017. Few weeks after the event, appraisal for the latest addition to the Orion famil…
Atarium, a 2-man formation (Wouter van der Wildt en Roelof Folkersma) are producing and recording electronic music using analogue (hardware) synths and drumcomputer…
"I started using the Antelope Audio 10MX as a reference clock with another device I was using. However, when I heard it on its own I realized I actually didn't need…